優裕 / yuyu

List of artworks (Enlarged view)

優裕 / yuyu

Painting style : pen drawings

Although he originally had difficulty with speech, he was able to produce three-word sentences when he was in school and was able to hold a conversation.
Although his speech has gradually decreased over time, he looks forward to his weekly solo karaoke session. He stops by the office on his way home, and although he does not know the value of the money, he pays the bill by himself and makes the 25-minute trip home by himself.
On other days, after returning home from the business office, he goes to the dry cleaners or the supermarket. Since he has been there for many years, he has become a familiar face in the community and people call on him.
Although he sometimes shows a stubborn side, he has never been angry, and his family calls him “Nico Nico Hiro-kun” because of his quiet and mild personality.


He has been drawing pictures since he was a toddler, using a magic pen, which is easy to draw with.
He used to draw imaginative pictures when he was in school, but gradually began to draw only the same clichéd pictures of people. Even so, she continues to draw unique pictures of the Chinese zodiac signs for New Year’s cards, using her own imagination.
Since attending “Humming,” a Type B continuous employment support facility of the NPO Kyoai Gakuen, she has been able to broaden her range by adding imitative drawings.


< Awards >
Encouragement Prize at the Gifu Prefecture Cultural Association of Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Art Exhibition in 2000, Effort Prize in 2001
Gifu Prefecture Fureai Welfare Fair for the Disabled, R5 Chairman’s Prize


<Exhibits >
My Itten
Tsunagi-Furamu Art Exhibition

Myokoji, Tokinoshima, Ichinomiya, Aichi, Japan

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